Hello beautiful people, welcome or welcome back to my corner of the World Wide Web. I know I have been missing for a while, but I am happy to be back to share with you my love for fashion, lifestyle and travel. Kass Stylz turns 3 years old and I am extremely proud of myself for starting this blog and sticking to it. I have fallen off a couple times, but I am happy to get back up and ready to go again. 


Thanks to everyone for your support, whether its engaging with my content on Instagram, Facebook, my recently launched YouTube channel and shopping with my links. This journey has molded me and helped me become stronger and more accountable. To anyone who have something they want to start, get to it now. Don't wait for the perfect moment because truthfully there is no perfect moment do it now, do it scared, do it broke, and if you have to do it alone. 


Now that we are done with the chit chat, let’s get into what today's post is about. Here are my 6 tips to be successful as a blogger or just about anything you want to do in life. They are in no particular order and are all equally important. 

Know Your Why and Your Purpose!

You might hear this a lot but that is because knowing your why and your purpose will help you to be successful in whatever you do. You must know what you want to do, what do you want to contribute or achieve from all of this. Knowing your why and purpose allows you to be accountable and lets you know when you are going off on a tangent. Having a clear purpose will allow others to trust you and what you do or bring to the table; its like building your integrity. 


 Be Consistent! 

Consistency is key, period! I think this goes for all facets of life whether it's being a blogger, running a business or even taking care of your household. You want people to believe in what you have to offer and what you bring to the table and being consistent will help you to achieve just that. Consistency will allow you to become better at your craft, builds momentum and allows you to develop a set routine. I know that this works because as a teacher I have to be consistent with classroom rules and routines so that my students can know what to expect. 


Find Your Tribe and Collaborate with Others!

Listen, there is no going around this. Have you ever heard the phrase, “No man is an island, no man stands alone?” Yea, you just cannot do anything alone! You need to find people of like mind, engage and collaborate with them. You need that support and someone to bounce ideas off of. Doing this makes the journey so much easier and even more fun. I know it’s in our nature to be competitive but, baby this is not a race. Okay! Let’s get into the habit of collaboration over competition. 


 Do Things for Free!

I can already hear someone saying, “FREE! I don’t do anything for free, that don’t pay the bills!” And you are right, it sure don’t pay the bills but doing things for free will allow you to learn the necessary skills you need to get to where you want to go. Look at it as an internship, preparing you for the paid gigs. I am not saying you need to do everything for free, know when to and be strategic about it. 


Don’t be Scared to Fail!

With anything you do in life, there is a possibility of failure. The saying, “Failure is not an option” does not mean you won’t fail. It means you won’t give up at the first sign of failure. You have to prepare yourself to get up and try again after not achieving your goals at the first, second or even third try. Failure teaches you to be resilient and not take things for granted, it teaches you to be persistent and not be scared to go after what you want to achieve in life. Michael Jordan said it best, “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.”


 Be Patient and Don’t Give Up!

So many of us including myself want things to work out now, but the truth is it takes time to become successful. It does not happen overnight but with hard work and dedication we will reap the rewards or our labor. You have to keep at it even when things aren’t going the way you want them to go. You will grow to find out that you’ll appreciate the things you've fought really hard for even more. 


Do you have any tips on how to be successful, leave them in the comments below. As always, thanks for stopping by and please remember to follow on all my social platforms mentioned above. Talk soon…